
Monday, October 31, 2011

Levantan alerta roja en zona del Hudson y los habitantes vuelven a sus casas

Levantan alerta roja en zona del Hudson y los habitantes vuelven a sus casas Santiago de Chile, 1 nov (EFE).- El Gobierno chileno levantó esta noche la "alerta roja" en los alrededores del volcán Hudson, en el sur del país, medida que permitirá que las 140 personas que fueron evacuadas el pasado 26 de octubre puedan volver a ... Levantan alerta roja en zona del Hudson y los habitantes vuelven a sus casas

Gambling debt in Europe lost dead "Little Goldman Sachs."

Gambling debt in Europe lost dead "Little Goldman Sachs." [Oriental Daily News - U.S. futures brokers, specifically MF Global (MF Global) was forced to file for bankruptcy protection, there are analysts that the "death" in addition to its restructuring and investment factors such as higher-risk assets, to create "small Goldman Sachs", the regulators require the bank to improve the level of capital, rating agencies have lowered their credit rating to junk level, is also a "executioner." ...Gambling debt in Europe lost dead "Little Goldman Sachs."


我倡议建立海洋污染应急联合机制 本报北京11月1日讯 记者蔡岩红亚太经合组织海洋可持续发展中心(以下简称APEC海洋中心)成立大会今天在北京举行。国家海洋局局长刘赐贵在会上发出建设区域海洋灾害的联合防控体系和网络,推进建立重大海洋污染事故的 ... 我倡议建立海洋污染应急联合机制

هجر الزوجات سلاح انتخابي في زيمبابوي

هجر الزوجات سلاح انتخابي في زيمبابوي حثت سياسية زيمبابوية الرجال من عرقية نديبيلي على حرمان زوجاتهم من حقوقهن الزوجية في حال لم يثبتن أنهن أدلين بأصواتهن في الانتخابات المقبلة. وقالت ميسيهيرابوي موشونجا الأمين العام لحزب (الحركة من أجل التغيير الديمقراطي) لوسائل الإعلام "إن النساء من ... هجر الزوجات سلاح انتخابي في زيمبابوي

Temple, thanks to God, we take eight to meet "Magpie Bridge"

Temple, thanks to God, we take eight to meet "Magpie Bridge" When the Shenzhou VIII after the opening of the internal load, by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Xi'an Branch of the five branches (hereinafter referred to Xi'an Branch) to take the development of relay terminal and antenna equipment, antenna subsystems and network application software instrument controller will begin to work for the Shenzhou VIII spacecraft's normal flight escort. ...Temple, thanks to God, we take eight to meet "Magpie Bridge"


松下本财年将亏损53亿美元 据新华社电 松下集团10月31日发布今年第三季度财报,并将本财年的盈利预期大幅下调至亏损4200亿日元(约合53.5亿美元)。 财报显示,今年第三季度,松下亏损1058亿日元(约合13.5亿美元)。 松下集团大幅亏损的原因主要是 ... 松下本财年将亏损53亿美元

South Korea was selected as the 2013 host, network space

South Korea was selected as the 2013 host, network space BEIJING, Nov. 1, according to Yonhap news agency reported, countries around the world gathered in 2013 the South Korean capital Seoul to discuss cyberspace security and freedom of expression and other issues. 1, held in London, England London Network Conference (London Conference on Cyberspace), South Korea was selected as the 2013 Network ...South Korea was selected as the 2013 host, network space


特写:神奇的 新华网东京11月1日电(记者 蓝建中)本月1日,4款神奇的"伙伴机器人"在东京的丰田设计陈列馆展示,吸引了大批媒体记者。机器人由丰田公司与藤田保健卫生大学联合开发,用于护理和医疗。 藤田保健卫生大学的教授才藤荣一 ... 特写:神奇的"伙伴机器人"

스페인 유력지, “JYJ 3명의 저스틴 비버가 나타났다”

스페인 유력지, 엘문도는 공연이 열린 29일 JYJ의 소개와 함께 공연에 대한 기대감을 표했다. 이 신문은 '3명의 저스틴 비버가 나타났다'는 제목으로 "JYJ는 한국의 센세이션을 일으키는 젊은 보이밴드다"라고 소개했다. 이들은 "카니예 웨스트와 작업해 미국 시장에 진출 했으며 ... 스페인 유력지, "JYJ 3명의 저스틴 비버가 나타났다"

Continental / Police crime of dangerous driving half the transfer of suspected cases of 15941

Continental / Police crime of dangerous driving half the transfer of suspected cases of 15941 Beijing, November 1 report, China Ministry of Public Security Bureau official said in Beijing on the 1st, the public security organs seized acts of drunk driving motor vehicle on suspicion of dangerous driving charge according to investigation, as of October 31 Japan, China's public security organs to the People's Procuratorate has concluded its investigation transferred to the prosecution's case 15941, which the court has ruled 7094. ...Continental / Police crime of dangerous driving half the transfer of suspected cases of 15941

愛子さま発熱で入院 風邪の症状続き

愛子さま発熱で入院 風邪の症状続き 宮内庁は、皇太子ご夫妻の長女愛子さま(9)が発熱とせきのため、1日午後から東大病院に入院したと発表した。 宮内庁東宮職によると、愛子さまは10月29日ごろから、39度前後の熱が出るなど風邪の症状があり、31日は37度台に下がったが、1日には39度の発熱 ... 愛子さま発熱で入院 風邪の症状続き

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